Switching Your Dog To Raw Food

 can lead to an increase in hydration for your pet.   You may notice your pet is drinking less water, which is normal due to the high moisture content.   SWITCHING YOUR DOG TO RAW FOOD a step by step guide:   Introduce new food slowly & monitor your pet's well-being. It's recommended to use a stainless steel bowl and clean it after every meal.   Day 1-2:   75% Kibble / 25% Raw   Day 3-4:   50% Kibble / 50% Raw   Day 5-6:   25% Kibble / 75% Raw   100% Raw   Day 7:   Calculating the Correct Portions   Puppy: It   is recommended to weigh your puppy weekly or bi-weekly to properly adjust the food they need to grow.   2-3 months:   10% of their current weight in pounds   4-5 months:   8% of their current weight in pounds   6-8 months:   6% of their current weight in pounds   9-12 months:   4% of their current weight in pounds   [Visit us in store to use our complementary scales]   Adult Dog:   1-7 years:   3% of their current weight in pounds   7-14 years:   1.5% of their current weight in pounds   Temperature Makes a Difference   Ease the transition to raw food, by controlling the temperature.   Raw food should never be heated because it compromises the nutritional value. Raw food also contains bone content, so if heated the bones can splinter which will be harmful to your pet.   Beginning of week   Remove raw food from the fridge and let sit for 10-15 minutes at room temperature   Mid-week   Reduce the amount of time the food sits at room temperature   End of week   Can feed the raw food directly from the fridge

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