Smoochy Poochy Benny

My best buddy Benny is a special guy. I know everyone thinks their dog is special (and an amazing thing about dogs is that everyone is right) but Ben is different. He has the most expressive face. He listens and understands when I speak to him about anything. He's a therapy dog without being trained to be. He's so so so smart. He's 7 but it definitely doesn't seem like it.

One of his many special (and adorable) quirks is that he hates being walked. He LOVES walks, but he doesn't like it when his leash is held by a person - he needs to hold it himself. That probably sounds crazy, but trail or quiet street, a quick walk or long, he wants to hold his leash. He doesn't pay any attention to passing animals or people, and stops at any road crossing without asking - I trust him implicitly. However, it also gives him the freedom to jump into any streams or puddles we come across. He LOVES swimming.

Both of these things obviously pose some issues to leash and collar durability and smell. But I've found the perfect combination: a Smoochy Poochy polyvinyl collar and a Mendota rope snap leash. I've had both for years, and through dragging and dunking both have stood the test of time and look like new. The collar is perfect for Ben because it's waterproof, doesn't retain smell, and is super easy to clean. All it needs is a quick wipe down. And it's Canadian made! The Mendota leash is made of waterproof, long-lasting polypropylene rope - it is really well-made and super durable. It hasn't frayed at all or been ripped on a tooth or branch. One of my favorite things about it is that the odd time I am holding it's super soft and comfortable in my hands. Both of them come in a variety of colors. I'm convinced Ben would look good in any colour but the blue looks fabulous on him!

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