How to Have a Cool Pet Summer

Keeping your pet cool and comfortable during those hot summer days can sometimes be a tricky task. Even with a summer coat and trim, pet’s can easily become overheated and dehydrated in the hot sun. Not to worry, Ren’s has got your back with this list of tips and tricks to help your pet have a cool pet summer.

Cooling Vests and Bandanas

Cooling vests and bandanas are a new and innovative way to allow your pet to keep playing in the sun, while ensuring they do not overheat. The way the work is simple, you just add water. Both vests and bandanas use lightweight water-retaining material that initiates a cooling effect. This then allows your pet to continue with their summer activities while remaining cool. Once the water has evaporated from the vest or bandana you can either add more water or remove the item.

Frozen Treats

Frozen treats like Frozen Goat are great and healthy cold treats that can help lower your pets temperature while allowing them to enjoy a cool treat.

Water Bowls & Bottles

If you plan on taking your pet for a long walk or on a day trip, it is important to pack lots of water as our furry friends can easily become dehydrated. On the go water bottles and collapsible bowls are an easy and convenient way for your pet to drink while on the go.

At Home Tricks

If you do not have any cold treats on hand, that’s okay as many dogs love chewy ice. Ice is cold and crunchy and states a dogs chewy nature while cooling their body temperature.

Another at home trick is allowing your dog to dip their paws in cold or cool water. Dogs sweat through their paws, and allowing them to cool down in a shallow bath, kiddy pool, or even a bowl can help them cool down.

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