How to Help Your Pet Lose Weight

 As pet parents we want only the best for our furry friends and sometimes we over indulge them which can cause them to tip the scales a bit. Maintaining a good weight for your pet is key to a long, healthy life. Ren’s is dedicated to ensuring your pet has the best life, which is why we have compiled this list of tips and products that will help your pet shed those extra pounds and keep them off for good!

Low Calorie Food

Sometimes switching your pet to a lower calorie food is a necessary step in ensuring your pets weight loss, but that does not mean it's an easy switch. Our pets can become used to a certain type of food and become fussy if you switch up the routine. One way to wean them off of their old food is to mix some of it with their new low calorie food. This will get them used to the taste and as time progresses you can slowly remove the old food from the mix. Ren’s carries a wide variety of low calorie food and we are dedicated to finding you the perfect food, guaranteed. That's the Ren's Promise.

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Low Calorie Treats

It’s natural for us to want to spoil our furry friends, especially when they look up at us with their big beautiful eyes. If your pet is carrying a few extra pounds, it's important not to give them the leftovers from your plate or lick the dishes clean. This does not mean treats are totally off the table, you just have to choose the right ones. Low calorie treats are a great way to reward your pet without all the extra calories found in human food.

Regular Walking Schedule 

Adhering to a regular exercise routine for your dog is important for various reasons with helping in keeping a healthy weight at the top of the list. Dogs should be walked at least once a day for roughly an hour. Making this a part of your daily routine will help you never miss a day. We recommend picking time you will be able to keep daily which could be before or after work, after dinner, or even during your lunch break. The time itself does not matter, just the ability to stay on the routine. If you have a dog that is strong and likes to pull walking is more of a chore than an enjoyable activity with your pet. No pull harnesses are a great tool and a good first step to begin teaching your dog proper walking manners. When your dog starts to pull it's important not to follow behind them because that teaches them that pulling is not only fine it's how they get where they want to go. Instead plant yourself and do not move forward until your dog stops pulling on the leash. If your dog seems overly interested in heading in a particular direction, change directions. This teaches your dog that they do not get to decide which way they are going, you do.    

Of course, dogs are not the only ones who can benefit from regular walks, cats can also be taken for walks, they just need the right gear.

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