Science Diet

Science Diet, Adult 7+ Small Bites Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe Dry Dog Food


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As little or toy breed dogs get older, their nutrition needs change. Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Small Bites dry dog food is formulated for specific aging needs of small dogs age 7 and older. The delicious chicken flavor is packed into a tiny kibble for those little dogs that prefer variety, and the easily digestible ingredients help support the energy levels of mature dogs. This dog food made with natural ingredients contains a balanced set of minerals for immune system support as well as heart and kidney health. To help your dog keep healthy skin and a shiny coat, this premium dog food provides omega-6 fatty acids & Vitamin E. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas.

  • This dry food is formulated for specific aging needs of your toy or small breed dog

  • Easy-to-digest ingredients help support energy levels, and keep a healthy immune system

  • Balanced minerals for heart & kidney health

  • Small kibble with high-quality protein for lean muscle

  • Made with natural ingredients

  • Made in the USA with global ingredients you can trust

  • #1 Veterinarian Recommended

Chicken Meal, Cracked Pearled Barley, Brown Rice, Whole Grain Wheat, Whole Grain Corn, Whole Grain Sorghum, Whole Grain Oats, Chicken Fat, Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken Liver Flavor, Corn Gluten Meal, Soybean Oil, Lactic Acid, Pork Flavor, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Flaxseed, Iodized Salt, Choline Chloride, L Lysine, Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, L Ascorbyl 2 Polyphosphate (Source Of Vitamin C), Niacin Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin Supplement, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), Minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite), Taurine, Dl Methionine, Oat Fiber, L Carnitine, Mixed Tocopherols For Freshness, Natural Flavors, Beta Carotene, Apples, Broccoli, Carrots, Cranberries, Green Peas.

When introducing a new food or treat, it's best to allow your pet to adjust gradually. For new food, we recommend a 7-day transition. Begin with a 75:25 ratio of old to new food on Day 1 and Day 2, shifting to a 50:50 mix on Day 3 and Day 4, and a 25:75 balance on Day 5 and Day 6. By Day 7, your pet can fully enjoy their new food. For treats, remember to feed them sparingly — they should constitute no more than 10% of your pet's daily caloric intake. Monitor your pet for any unusual reactions when introducing a new treat. Treats are not a substitute for balanced, complete meals.




As little or toy breed dogs get older, their nutrition needs change. Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Small Bites dry dog food is formulated for specific aging needs of small dogs age 7 and older. The delicious chicken flavor is packed into a tiny kibble for those little dogs that prefer variety, and the easily digestible ingredients help support the energy levels of mature dogs. This dog food made with natural ingredients contains a balanced set of minerals for immune system support as well as heart and kidney health. To help your dog keep healthy skin and a shiny coat, this premium dog food provides omega-6 fatty acids & Vitamin E. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas.

  • This dry food is formulated for specific aging needs of your toy or small breed dog
  • Easy-to-digest ingredients help support energy levels, and keep a healthy immune system
  • Balanced minerals for heart & kidney health
  • Small kibble with high-quality protein for lean muscle
  • Made with natural ingredients
  • Made in the USA with global ingredients you can trust
  • #1 Veterinarian Recommended


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