Do the Tick Twist

Last weekend, while my parents were over for dinner, my dad, was petting Flint. He felt a little lump and thought it might have been a bug bite or a "pimple" (he isn't much of a dog person). I decided to check it out just to make sure. I sorted through his thick double coat and of course, didn't find a pimple... but a brown bump with legs (a tick)! 

As panic set in (this was my first tick after all), I remembered that I had purchased a Tick Twister to carry around in my hiking bag! I grabbed the Tick Twister, slid it on the tick and gently twisted it right out! This tool made it effortless to remove the tick without causing any discomfort to Flint!

Don't let the fear of ticks stop your summer fun! Just keep a few Tick Twisters on hand to remove any unwanted house guests!


Melissa Drieman

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