Benefits Of Treats For Cats

Benefits of Treats for Cats


Cat treats used to be precisely what the name says, treats. In the past, pet owners used to give their pets treats only when it was a special occasion or when they wanted to teach them some tricks. Today we know that treats are an essential component of a cat’s diet.


Supplemental Nutrition

Although most cat foods today have a balanced composition to nurture your kitty with all the nutrients he or she needs, all cats have different dietary needs. For example, some cats can have trouble absorbing some specific nutrients, without certain nutrients, your cat can develop several health issues. A nutritional deficiency leads to dull coat, hair loss, appetite loss, skin conditions, diarrhea, constipation, and weight changes.

This is why treats can be important in your cat’s diet. Most treats don’t come with only different flavours; they also have supplemental vitamins and natural oils that can improve Mitten’s health and longevity.



Because of their unique personality and independent lifestyle, training cats can be difficult. If you want to teach your cat some cool tricks, rewarding them with some treats can accelerate the process and increase the chances of success.

Cats can be stubborn when they want and when they feel like doing something they shouldn’t, yelling at them won’t fix the problem. Instead of punishing them for doing something wrong, reinforce positive behaviours by rewarding them.


Oral Care

Besides frequent visits to the veterinary for a dental checks, cleanings and regular teeth brushing, there are other ways to keep your kitty’s oral health on point. Food and treats have an essential role in your cat’s dental hygiene. The right treats can aid in the removal of tartar and plaque that builds up in their teeth. A clean mouth can also reduce the odour caused by bacteri. Then you won't have to look away when your furry friend try to give you nose “kisses.”



Are you trying to gain your kitty’s affection and trust? Treats can help you with that! Cats love to eat even when they’re not hungry, so treats can buy the initial trust until you bond with them. If they don’t even want to come close to you, you can leave some treats around the house and the places where the cat hangs the most, so the cat to find them. Make sure to touch the food with your hands so they smell like you. When you see them eating the treats you left behind, don’t try to engage with them, just let them get used to having you around. When they are comfortable eating the treats with you around, try to get closer. Don’t move too fast and get too close. Progression is a keyword in this process. Eventually, when the cat doesn’t get too scared when you’re close, try to put some treats in your hand and lure them to you.


Treats are just like the other types of foods and have calories, so when rewarding your cat with them, make sure to account for those calories to make sure they don’t overeat.

Just like every other cat food, chew, and treat, before giving anything new for your cat to ingest, talk to a qualified veterinarian to make sure that’s the best option for your pet. Make sure you monitor your cat with treats and toys to prevent choking or ingesting unsafe materials. Every cat has its own limitations and needs.

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